No one plans for the unexpected. Stay covered with an affordable health plan from Florida Blue.
No one plans for the unexpected. Stay covered with an affordable health plan from Florida Blue.
Our rewards program will set you on the path to better health.
Map your personal journey to better health and earn up to $500* toward your premium!
Take care of your health with preventive care
Health solutions fit for you!
Florida Blue works with you in caring for your whole health, beyond doctor visits and prescriptions.
Build a healthier you as a Florida Blue member with access to solutions like nutrition programs, mental health resources, painting and cooking classes, a personalized health coach, and more!
Looking to switch
health plans?
It may be time to switch your agent.
Talk with a trusted Florida Blue agent about low-cost options.
Join a community of satisfied members who have chosen quality, convenience, and peace of mind.
Our team of trusted agents is available to help you take the first step towards superior health coverage.
Apple Insurance, PCF Insurance Services of the West is an Independent Broker of Florida Blue. Florida Blue is a trade name of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida Inc., an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. is owned and operated by Apple Insurance, PCF Insurance Services of the West, a licensed independent Broker of Florida Blue.
Apple Insurance is a licensed insurance agency providing Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare coverage to individuals, families and businesses. Health coverage is offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
*Reward amounts available for individual ACA members 18 years or older. Reward amounts will apply to premiums and excess amounts may be redeemed subject to the reward program's terms and conditions. To be eligible for $0 monthly costs, your Marketplace monthly advance premium tax credit must be equal to or more than the premium.Policies have limitations and exclusions. The amount of benefits provided depends upon the plan selected and the premium may vary with the amount of benefits selected.